ITTF World Team Championships Busan 2024 Winners to Share 1,000 Ranking Points

페이지 정보

기자 이름General News 출처 매체TABLE TENNIS FOR ALL. FOR LIFE.
조회 410 작성일 02 February, 2024



Excitement is building as the ITTF World Team Table Tennis Championships Finals Busan 2024 Presented by BNK Busan Bank is just days away. The stage is set for a thrilling spectacle. From February 16 to 25, 2024, Busan will witness a gathering of top-tier talent and fierce competition. This landmark event marks Korea Republic’s inaugural hosting of the ITTF World Table Tennis Championships Finals.

Stakes are now even higher than the ITTF Executive Board, on a proposition of the ITTF World Ranking Working Group, approving the awarding of individual ranking points.

You can find more detailed information in the main text article from the link provided below. 
